TRIANGLES Stitch Pattern

TRIANGLES Stitch Pattern

TRIANGLES stitch pattern.

Skill level: beginner. Only knits and purls!

Over a multiple of 8 sts + 1.


The instructions between brackets correspond to the gray coloured part on the chart. Repeat it as many times as needed.

Row 1) k1, [p7, k1]

Row 2) [p2, k5, p1], p1

Row 3) k1, [k2, p3, k3]

Row 4) [p4, k1, p3], p1

Row 5) p1, [p3, k1, p4]

Row 6) [k3, p3, k2], k1

Row 7) p1, [p1, k5, p2]

Row 8) [k1, p7], k1


• Read all odd rows from right to left, and all even rows from left to right.
• Repeat the grey painted part as many times as you need.

This is one of the 12 stitch patterns featured in my BEGINNER SAMPLER BLANKET (the one made during my “12 Blocks for Xmas” KAL in 2018).

You can buy the entire “12 Blocks for Xmas” pattern collection (12 different patterns with some additional features) HERE or in  Etsy Shop.

Credit: ohlalana

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